
The website is published by Quizz Room SAS
S.A.S au capital de 1.503 euros
Registered office: 9, rue Guénégaud, 75006 Paris
RCS Paris 841 563 042
Intracommunity VAT number FR 07 841563042
SIRET number: 84156304200024
APE code: 9329Z (Other leisure and recreational activities)
E-mail address:
The publication director is Tristan Quélin, President of Quizz Room SAS

The site is hosted by OVH
2 rue Kellerman
59100 Roubaix
RCS Lille MĂ©tropole 424 761 419 00045
SAS with capital of 10 069 020 euros

Personal data


1.     Quizz Room apporte le plus grand soin à la gestion et à la protection de vos données à caractÚre personnel.

2.     Dans le cadre de ses activitĂ©s, Quizz Room met Ă  disposition des consommateurs un service de commerce en ligne accessible depuis le site (le « Site ») et par lequel Quizz Room propose la fourniture de services (les« Services ») relatifs Ă  la rĂ©servation de salles de loisirs (les« Salles ») afin de pouvoir conclure des contrats de vente (les« Contrats ») avec un consommateur (l’ « Acheteur »),aux termes duquel Quizz Room met une ou plusieurs Salles Ă  la disposition des participants aux loisirs (les « Participants »).

3.     Pour assurer son service, Quizz Room collecte, sur le Site et dans ses établissements, des données à caractÚre personnel sur les utilisateurs du Site (les « Utilisateurs » ; y compris les Acheteurs) et les Participants.


Ce document a vocation de vous informer sur la maniÚre dont Quizz Room collecte, utilise, traite et transmet vos données personnelles.


1.     Le responsable de traitement est Quizz Room, SociĂ©tĂ© par Actions SimplifiĂ©e au capital de 1.266 €, immatriculĂ©e au Registre du Commerce et des SociĂ©tĂ©s de Paris, sous le numĂ©ro 841 563 042, dont le siĂšge social est 9 rue GuĂ©nĂ©gaud, Ă  Paris 75006.

2.     Quizz Room s’engage Ă  respecter les dispositions du rĂšglement (UE) n°2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 relatif Ă  la protection des donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel.


1.    Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par Quizz Room peuvent ĂȘtre directement transmises par :-       l’Utilisateur lors de sa navigation sur le Site ou lors de la formation et de l’exĂ©cution d’une commande de produits (la «Commande ») ;-       les Participants, prĂ©alablement ou Ă  l’occasion de leur venue dans les Ă©tablissements de Quizz Room.Ces informations sont notamment : les noms, prĂ©noms, adresse postale, adresse e-mail, numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone, date de naissance et centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt.Quizz Room peut Ă©galement recueillir des reprĂ©sentations photographiques des Participants, saisies Ă  l’occasion du jeu, aprĂšs obtention de l’accord du Participant.

2.    Quizz Room peut collecter les informations susmentionnĂ©es au sujet des Participants, par l’intermĂ©diaire de l’Acheteur dans le cadre de l’exĂ©cution du Contrat.

3.    Quizz Room peut Ă©galement recueillir des donnĂ©es par l’intermĂ©diaire des Cookies. Un cookie n’identifie pas personnellement un Utilisateur mais permet Ă  son Ă©metteur de reconnaĂźtre le terminal de l’Utilisateur et de collecter un certain nombre d’informations relatives Ă  la navigation effectuĂ©e depuis ce terminal. L’Utilisateur est invitĂ© Ă  consulter la section ci-dessous consacrĂ©e aux Cookies.

4.    Quizz Room peut en outre recueillir des donnĂ©es par l’intermĂ©diaire des technologies standards d’Internet tels que des Scripts puis des Pixels. Ces technologies permettent de recueillir des informations relatives Ă  l’utilisation du Site de Quizz Room, Ă  la prĂ©sence de cookies sur le Terminal de l’Utilisateur, sur la lecture ou non des e-mails adressĂ©s par Quizz Room et les clics faits sur les liens contenus dans ces mails.


A. Bases légales des traitements

1.     Quizz Room recueille et traite vos données à caractÚre personnel conformément aux bases légales prévues par les lois et réglementations en vigueur notamment :
a.   ExĂ©cution du contrat – exemple : traitement et exĂ©cution d’une commande ; ouverture et gestion d’un compte Quizz Room afin notamment de pouvoir afficher le nom des Participants sur les pupitres de loisirs, de ne pas poser plusieurs fois les mĂȘmes questions ou de proposer des questions adaptĂ©es au profil des Participants et ainsi exĂ©cuter au mieux l’exĂ©cution des prestations contractuelles assurĂ©es par Quizz Room
b.   ExĂ©cution d’une obligation lĂ©gale– conservation de factures ;
c.   IntĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes poursuivis par Quizz Room – tels que le traitement Ă  des fins commerciales, Ă  des fins de prĂ©vention de fraude ou afin de prĂ©server la sĂ©curitĂ© des rĂ©seaux informatiques et, en tout Ă©tat de cause, dans le respect de vos libertĂ©s et droits fondamentaux qui prĂ©valent sur les intĂ©rĂȘts lĂ©gitimes de Quizz Room ;
d.   Consentement de l’utilisateur.

B. Finalités de Quizz Room

1.     Quizz Room collecte et enregistre des données à caractÚre personnel des utilisateurs pour effectuer les traitements suivants :

- the customer account
- Shopping cart
- Orders
- Customer relations
- Order tracking
- the leisure profile of the Participants
- After-sales service for refunds

Recording of exchanges between the customer servo and the consumers

Video surveillance and sound monitoring of the recreation rooms

Customer Satisfaction Management

Fight against fraud during the payment of the order and management of unpaid invoices

Statistical, analytical, selective, and segmentation operations of customers

Sending targeted commercial offers by email, on social networks, on other websites or any other medium

Customization of sites according to the user's affinities
Photograph of the Participants
Measurement of site traffic
Provision of social media sharing tools
Sharing information with business partners

Legal basis

Execution of the contract
Legitimate interest of Quiz Room

Legitimate interest of QuizzRoom: improvement of the quality of the service

Execution of the contract
Legitimate interest of Quizz Room

Legitimate interest of Quizz Room: improvement of the quality of the offer of products and services
Contract performance
Legitimate interest of Quizz Room

Customer consent
Legitimate interest of Quizz Room






Contract performance
Customer consent for prospecting operations

2.     Pour le traitement de donnĂ©es nĂ©cessitant le consentement de l’Utilisateur, ce dernier a la facultĂ© de retirer son consentement en effectuant une demande Ă


A. Généralités

1.     Les donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel recueillies et traitĂ©es par Quizz Room peuvent ĂȘtre transmises Ă  :-     des partenaires de Quizz Room qui peuvent les traiter pour leur compte (les « destinataires »),-     des partenaires de Quizz Room qui peuvent les traiter pour le compte et selon des instructions de Quizz Room (les « sous-traitants »).
2.     Les destinataires sont :-     les collaborateurs professionnels de Quizz Room,-     les autoritĂ©s de police dans le cadre des rĂ©quisitions judiciaires concernant la lutte contre la fraude,-     les services de douane en cas de livraison Ă  l’étranger,-     les partenaires commerciaux et notamment les rĂ©gies marketing et publicitaires
3.     Quizz Room peut avoir recours Ă  dessous-traitants pour les opĂ©rations suivantes :-     le paiement sĂ©curisĂ© sur le Site,-     la lutte contre la fraude et le recouvrement des impayĂ©s,-     la gestion de la messagerie instantanĂ©e, des appels tĂ©lĂ©phoniques, leurs enregistrements Ă©ventuels et l’envoi de courriers postaux,-     la personnalisation des contenus des sites,-     la rĂ©alisation d’opĂ©rations de maintenance et de dĂ©veloppement techniques du site internet et du systĂšme d’information de Quizz Room,-     le recueil des avis clients,-     l’expĂ©dition des emails de prospection commercial.
4.     Quizz Room peut Ă©galement partager les donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel en cas de modification ultĂ©rieure de la structure de la sociĂ©tĂ© Quizz Room, notamment en cas de vente, transfert ou fusion de l’entreprise ou d’une partie de celle-ci. Quizz Room s’assurera alors quel’autre partie respecte les lois et rĂšglements en vigueur relatifs Ă  la protection des donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel.

B. Transmission hors UE

1.     Les donnĂ©es recueillies par Quizz Room sont conservĂ©es dans l’Union EuropĂ©enne.
2.     Toutefois, pour les besoins des finalitĂ©s exposĂ©es ci-dessus, des donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel peuvent ĂȘtre transmises Ă  des sociĂ©tĂ©s situĂ©es Ă  des pays non-membres de l’Union europĂ©enne.
3.     Dans ce cas, Quizz Room veille Ă  ne transfĂ©rer des donnĂ©es personnelles, en dehors de l’Union EuropĂ©enne, qu’à destination de pays tiers assurant un niveau de protection adĂ©quat et reconnu comme tel par la Commission europĂ©enne, d’entreprises certifiĂ©es au titre du Privacy Shield ou encore d’entreprises garantissant un niveau de protection adĂ©quat par l’existence de rĂšgles d’entreprises contraignantes, autrement appelĂ©es Binding corporate rules.
4.     A titre d’exemple, l’exploitation des donnĂ©es personnelles en lien avec les rĂ©seaux sociaux, peuvent donner lieu Ă  un transfert vers les Etats-Unis.
5.     Les utilisateurs sont invités à consulter les pages des réseaux sociaux relatives à la protection des données personnelles.  


1.     Afin d’assurer aux utilisateurs le contrĂŽle et la visibilitĂ© nĂ©cessaires aux traitements de leurs donnĂ©es Ă  caractĂšre personnel, Quizz Room garantit le bon exercice des droits dont disposent les utilisateurs.
2.     Ainsi, toute personne physique a le droit d’exercer les droits suivants :
-     Droit d’accùs au traitement
-     Droit d’opposition au traitement
-     Droit de rectification du traitement
-     Droit à la limitation du traitement
-     Droit de s’opposer au profilage
-     Droit à la portabilité des données
-     Droit à l’effacement
3.     Les personnes concernées par le traitement de données à caractÚre personnel peuvent exercer leurs droits auprÚs de la société Quizz Room :
-     Par voie postale : 9, rue Guénégaud, 75006 Paris
-     Par voie électronique :
4.     La demande doit ĂȘtre accompagnĂ©e d’un justificatif d’identitĂ©.
5.     Quizz Room dispose d’un dĂ©lai d’un mois pour rĂ©pondre Ă  compter de la rĂ©ception de la demande. Une prolongation du dĂ©lai de 2 mois est possible compte tenu de la complexitĂ© et du nombre de demandes, sous rĂ©serve que la personne concernĂ©e en ait Ă©tĂ© informĂ©e dans le dĂ©lai initial d’un mois.
6.     En cas d’exercice d’un droit d’opposition au profilage marketing, l’utilisateur est informĂ© qu’il continuera Ă  recevoir des sollicitations commerciales mais celles-ci seront moins pertinentes et ne seront plus ciblĂ©es selon ses centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt.
7.     En cas d’absence de rĂ©ponse ou de rĂ©ponse non satisfaisante, la personne concernĂ©e a la facultĂ© de saisir l’autoritĂ© de contrĂŽle de son pays de rĂ©sidence (CNIL.FR)


1.     L’utilisateur a le droit de dĂ©finir des directives relatives Ă  la conservation, Ă  l’effacement et Ă  la communication de ses donnĂ©es aprĂšs son dĂ©cĂšs. Ces directives peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©rales (concernant l’ensemble des traitements de donnĂ©es personnelles) ou particuliĂšres (ne concernant que des traitements de donnĂ©es spĂ©cifiques).
2.     L’utilisateur peut formuler les directives anticipĂ©es qu’il aura formulĂ©es Ă  l’adresse suivante :


1.     Les donnĂ©es traitĂ©es sont conservĂ©es pendant une durĂ©e n’excĂ©dant pas celle nĂ©cessaire au regard des finalitĂ©s pour lesquelles elles sont traitĂ©es.
2.     Le point de dĂ©part de la durĂ©e de conservation des donnĂ©es personnelles diffĂšre selon que l’Utilisateur est un Acheteur et/ou un Participant (Utilisateur « client ») ou non (Utilisateur« prospect ») :
-     Client : le point de départ de la durée de conservation est la date du dernier achat ou de la derniÚre participation à une activité de loisir proposée par Quizz Room ;
-     Prospect : le point de départ de la durée de conservation est la date de création du compte.
3.     Certains types de traitement font l’objet d’une durĂ©e de conservation spĂ©cifique. Par exemple, les factures liĂ©es aux achats sont conservĂ©es pendant 10 ans ; les donnĂ©es personnelles recueillies Ă  l’occasion de la crĂ©ation d’un compte Quizz Room ou d’un profil « Participant »ou « Joueur » sont conservĂ©es pendant 5 ans Ă  compter de la derniĂšre activitĂ© ; les donnĂ©es relatives Ă  l’exĂ©cution d’une commande sont conservĂ©es jusqu’à 5 ans aprĂšs la fin de l’exĂ©cution des obligations ; les donnĂ©es personnelles recueillies Ă  l’occasion de la navigation sur le Site sont conservĂ©es pendant 9 mois Ă  compter de la derniĂšre activitĂ© ; les donnĂ©es personnelles recueillies Ă  l’occasion de la fourniture du service dit de Questions PersonnalisĂ©es sont conservĂ©es jusqu’à trois mois aprĂšs leur communication par l’Acheteur.


1.     En tant que responsable du traitement des données, Quizz Room veille attentivement à la sécurité et à la confidentialité des données collectées et traitées.
2.     Quizz Room bĂ©nĂ©ficie de mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© appropriĂ©es pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© des bĂątiments abritant ses systĂšmes, la sĂ©curitĂ© du systĂšme informatique pour empĂȘcher l’accĂšs externe aux donnĂ©es personnelles et le fait d’avoir des copies sĂ©curisĂ©es de vos donnĂ©es.
3.     Quizz Room veille à sélectionner dessous-traitants en fonction de leur capacité à assurer la sécurité du traitement par des mesures appropriées.
4.     Quizz Room ne recueille pas de données bancaires des Acheteurs, ces derniers étant redirigés vers le prestataire de paiement Stripe. Quizz Room invite les Acheteurs à consulter la page relative à la protection des données personnelles dudit prestataire


1.     Quizz Room vous propose de recourir aux réseaux sociaux pour améliorer la relation commerciale et vous proposer des offres publicitaires ciblées sur ces réseaux.
2.     L’utilisation des rĂ©seaux sociaux pour interagir avec Quizz Room est susceptible d’entraĂźner des Ă©changes de donnĂ©es entre Quizz Room et ces rĂ©seaux sociaux.
3.     Quizz Room vous invite Ă  consulter les politiques de gestion des donnĂ©es personnelles des diffĂ©rents rĂ©seaux sociaux pour avoir connaissance des donnĂ©es personnelles pouvant ĂȘtre transmises par ceux-ci.  


Quizz Room peut utiliser vos coordonnées pour vous adresser des publicités ciblées notamment par email et SMS.

A. Prospection par email et SMS

1.     Le recueil prĂ©alable et exprĂšs du consentement de l’utilisateur est nĂ©cessaire Ă  tout envoi de prospection commerciale par voie Ă©lectronique.
2.     Lors de la crĂ©ation d’un compte client sur le Site, il est expressĂ©ment demandĂ© le consentement de l’utilisateur pour recevoir :
-     Des offres de Quizz Room par email
-     Des offres des partenaires de Quizz Room auxquels vos coordonnées seraient transmises
-     Des offres de Quizz Room par SMS
3.     Sauf exception dĂ©taillĂ©e ci-aprĂšs, Quizz Room ne vous adressera pas de sollicitations personnalisĂ©es par email ou SMS si vous n’y avez pas consenti.
4.     En l’absence de tout consentement prĂ©alable exprĂšs de l’Utilisateur, ce dernier peut toutefois ĂȘtre dĂ©marchĂ© dĂšs lors qu’il a dĂ©jĂ  effectuĂ© un achat via le Site et que l’objet de la prospection est de proposer des produits ou services analogues.
5.     En tout Ă©tat de cause, l’Utilisateur a la possibilitĂ© de s’opposer, Ă  tout moment, Ă  la rĂ©ception de ces sollicitations en effectuant les actions suivantes :
-     Pour les sollicitations par email, en cliquant sur le lien de désabonnement inséré dans chaque email ;
-     Pour les sollicitation par SMS, en envoyant un message contenant les seules mentions« Stop SMS » au numéro indiqué dans celui-ci.

B. Reciblage publicitaire

1.     Quizz Room peut utiliser les services de tierces sociĂ©tĂ©s dont le rĂŽle est d’identifier des internautes qui ont dĂ©jĂ  visitĂ© notre site web et de leur envoyer des e-mails personnalisĂ©s.
2.     Ces sociétés utilisent des cookies pour distinguer les utilisateurs puis pour personnaliser les publicités que ces utilisateurs reçoivent en fonction de leur historique de navigation.
3.     Ce mĂ©canisme explique qu’un utilisateur ayant naviguĂ© sur le site Quizz Room puisse recevoir un email publicitaire sans avoir confiĂ© son adresse mail Ă  Quizz Room.
4.     Ce traitement peut faire intervenir des partenaires qui ont dĂ©jĂ  collectĂ© votre adresse e-mail, ainsi que votre consentement pour autoriser l’envoi de publicitĂ©. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez vous opposer Ă  ce type de traitement. Actuellement, Quizz Room n’a pas recours Ă  des partenaires tiers.


A. Généralités

1.     Les cookies sont des traceurs dĂ©posĂ©s sur votre terminal (ordinateur, tablette, smartphone
), notamment lors de la consultation d’un site internet ou la lecture d’un courrier Ă©lectronique et qui permettent d’opĂ©rer un suivi de navigation ou une analyse comportementale de l’internaute afin de faciliter la navigation et activer certaines fonctionnalitĂ©s.
2.     Il existe deux types de cookies :
a.   Les cookies first party déposés par Quizz Room pour les besoins de la navigation et du fonctionnement du site ;
b.   Les cookies third party dĂ©posĂ©s par des sociĂ©tĂ©s partenaires tierces afin d’identifier vos centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt et de vous adresser des offres personnalisĂ©s sur notre site. Ces traceurs sont directement gĂ©rĂ©s par les sociĂ©tĂ©s qui les Ă©ditent et qui doivent Ă©galement respecter la rĂ©glementation sur la protection des donnĂ©es.

B. Finalités du recours aux cookies, tags et traceurs

Quizz Room peut avoir recours à des Cookies first party ou des cookies third party pour les finalités suivantes :
-     Permettre d’utiliser les principales fonctionnalitĂ©s du Site (cookies Quizz Room essentiels Ă  l’utilisation du Site) ;
-     Adapter la présentation de notre site selon le terminal utilisé et/ou selon les affinités de chaque utilisateur ;
-     Mémoriser des informations relatives à un formulaire que vous avez rempli sur notre Site ;
-     Permettre aux utilisateurs d’accĂ©der Ă  des espaces rĂ©servĂ©s et personnels sur le Site ;-     Mettre en Ɠuvre des mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© ;
-     Établir des statistiques et volumes de frĂ©quentation et d’utilisation des Ă©lĂ©ments composant nos services (cookies de mesure d’audience) ;
-     Partager des informations avec des annonceurs sur d’autres sites internet et proposer des annonces publicitaires pertinentes et en adĂ©quation avec vos centres d’intĂ©rĂȘt (cookies publicitaires) ;
-     Partager des informations sur les réseaux sociaux (cookies de partage vers les réseaux sociaux).

C. Paramétrage du dépÎt de cookies, tags et traceurs

1.     Quizz Room recueille votre consentement prĂ©alablement Ă  tout dĂ©pĂŽt de cookies publicitaires, de mesure d’audience et de partage vers les rĂ©seaux sociaux.
2.     A tout moment, l’utilisateur peut modifier ses prĂ©fĂ©rences en matiĂšre de cookies selon les modalitĂ©s suivantes :
a.     paramétrage des navigateurs :
-     Safariℱ :,
-     Chromeℱ: ,
-     Firefoxℱ: ,
-     Pour Operaℱ :

b.     paramĂ©trage du systĂšme d’exploitation de votre smartphone :
-       iOS :
-       Android :

General terms and conditions


1.1. VisualGoolfy.Be sprl or "Quizz Room" or "Quiz Room" or the "Service Provider" is a company with a capital of , registered with the Mons Trade and Companies Register under number , whose registered office is at 353 Rue de Mons - 7011 Mons and whose intra-Community VAT number is .

E-mail address:
Telephone number : 0032 65 59 00 31

1.2 Quizz Room offers for sale, for the purpose of concluding contracts of sale (the "Contracts") with a consumer (the "Buyer") :
a. on a principal basis, the provision of services (the "Services") relating to the booking of leisure rooms (the "Rooms"), whereby Quizz Room makes one or more Rooms available to individuals taking part in the leisure activities offered in the Rooms (the "Participants"); if taking part in the said activities, the Buyer is deemed to be a Participant;

b. as an accessory, entertainment products (the "Products") in connection with the Services.


  1. 2.4 The General Terms and Conditions are available on the Site and in all Quizz Room establishments; subject to any special conditions applicable to a specific type of Service, specified separately and prior to the conclusion of any Contract, the General Terms and Conditions apply to the exclusion of all other conditions.
  2. 2.3 The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (the "General Terms and Conditions" or "GTC") is to define the rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Quizz Room under the Contracts:

    a. these General Terms and Conditions may be modified at any time by Quizz Room;
    b. they are applicable as soon as they are posted online, but any modifications will not apply to transactions already in progress when these modifications are posted online;
    c. the GTC were last revised on October 25, 2024.


  1. 3.5 Prior to the immediate purchase or the placing of the order and the conclusion of the contract, the present general terms and conditions of sale are communicated to the Buyer.
  2. 3.6 The Buyer acknowledges that, prior to placing an order and entering into a contract, he/she has been provided, in a legible and comprehensible manner, with the General Terms and Conditions and all the information listed in article L. 221-5 of the French Consumer Code.
  3. 3.7 The following information is provided in a clear and comprehensible manner:
    - the essential characteristics of the services and products (if these are offered for sale in this center)
    - the prices of the services, products (if these are offered for sale in this center) and ancillary costs or, where applicable, the method of calculation;
    - in the absence of immediate performance of the contract, the date or time by which the seller undertakes to deliver the product or perform the service, whatever its price;
    - information concerning the seller's identity, i.e. its name or corporate name, the geographical address of its place of business and, if different, that of its registered office, its telephone number and e-mail address, as well as information concerning its activities;
    - information on legal and contractual warranties and how they may be exercised;
    - the functionalities of digital content and, where applicable, its interoperability;
    - the possibility of resorting to conventional mediation in the event of a dispute;
    - the terms of payment, delivery and performance of the contract, as well as the arrangements made by QUIZZ ROOM for handling complaints;
    - in the event of a sale, the existence and terms of exercise of the legal warranty of conformity provided for in articles L. 217-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, the warranty against hidden defects provided for in articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code, and, where applicable, the commercial warranty and after-sales service referred to respectively in articles L. 217-15 and L. 217-17 of the French Consumer Code;
    - the duration of the contract, in the case of a fixed-term contract, or the conditions of its termination in the case of an open-ended contract;
    - where applicable, any relevant interoperability of the digital content with certain hardware or software of which Quizz Room is or ought reasonably to be aware.
  4. 3.8 The Buyer declares that he has read and accepted these terms and conditions of sale before making an immediate purchase or placing an order: they are enforceable against him in accordance with the terms of article 1119 of the French Civil Code.


  1. 4.9 For a period not exceeding twenty-four (24) months, Quizz Room may publish on its site excerpts of reviews submitted by consumers without compensation and collected through one or more third parties who do not verify them. These reviews are not contractual in nature.


  1. 5.10 At the times available for reservation and depending on the number of Participants indicated by the Buyer, Quizz Room offers for sale Services for the reservation and provision of one or more Rooms including the ability to use a question and answer game whose characteristics are as follows:
    - audiovisual communication of questions to Participants;
    - provision of a beeper enabling Participants to answer questions individually or collectively;
    - automatic scoring of each Participant's points;
    - multiple game mechanics belonging to Quizz Room and which may be modified over time.

    5.11 Use of the Leisure Room facilities is subject to the presence of at least three (3) Participants, but not more than eighteen (18).

    5.12 In addition to reserving and providing Rooms, Quizz Room can provide a personalization service of ten (10) questions called "Personalized Questions":

    a. ordering the Personalized Questions service enables the Buyer to enter, in a dedicated online space on the Site, all the questions he/she wishes to submit to the Participants as part of his/her Order;
    b. the Buyer must enter the said questions in the dedicated space referred to in the preceding paragraph no later than the day before the reserved Room(s) is (are) made available;
    c. On the occasion of the provision of the services ordered, Quizz Room reproduces and distributes, without any verification of content for which the Buyer is solely responsible, the content of the questions as provided by the Buyer or the Participants;
    d. Quizz Room declines all responsibility for the terms of the Personalized Questions broadcast in the Room and it is the sole responsibility of the Buyer to ensure their lawfulness.

    5.13 At the express request of the Purchaser and prior to the conclusion of any Contract, the Purchaser may contact Quizz Room to order the provision of additional personalized services, which will be the subject of an estimate issued by Quizz Room.

    5.14 For the purpose of performing the Services, the score obtained by each Participant at the end of his or her participation in the Quizzes will be retained by Quizz Room.

    5.15 Incidentally, Quizz Room offers for sale, within the limits of available stocks, various products whose nature and characteristics are set out on the Site. The products are described and presented as accurately as possible. However, the seller cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this presentation. Product photographs are not contractual.


6.16 The price of Products or Services offered for sale on the Site is set freely by Quizz Room, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

6.17 The unit price of each Product or Service is displayed on the presentation page of said Product or Service on the Site.

6.18 Quizz Room reserves the right to modify its prices at any time but undertakes to apply the prices in force at the time of the order for the supply of Products or Services (the "Order"), subject to availability on that date.

6.19 The price of Services and Products is not negotiable by the Buyer.

6.20. The prices of Services and Products are indicated in euros and are fixed inclusive of all taxes as in force on the day of the order: any creation or modification of tax, whatever its nature or amount, will be applied to Contracts, including for orders in progress, as soon as it comes into force. The prices displayed do not take into account any delivery charges or other ancillary costs necessary for the execution of the Order, which will be invoiced in addition and indicated before the Order is validated.

6.21 For the Order of certain ad hoc or personalized services, Quizz Room may draw up a prior estimate, valid for ten (10) days, on which the price of each Service requested will appear.


  1. 7.22 Orders are placed online, from the catalog of Products and Services published on the Site, using an online ordering process made available to the Buyer via the Site, subject to availability.
  2. 7.23 With regard to Services, after clicking on the "Book" tab, the Buyer selects the desired date and time of reservation, the number of Participants, the duration of the reservation and, if applicable, the type of quiz he/she intends to use, the reason for coming and the reservation of a post-quiz rest area, as well as other additional services and Products from a list proposed to him/her; once he/she has made his/her choices, the Buyer clicks on the "Add to Cart" tab.
  3. 7.24 As regards Products, the Buyer selects one or more of them and their possible options, which he places in a virtual basket, within the limit of available stocks.
  4. 7.25 The Buyer identifies himself to Quizz Room by indicating his first name, last name, e-mail, telephone number and address. QUIZZ ROOM informs the Buyer that he/she has the right to register on an opposition list to telephone canvassing, accessible via the following link:

    7.26 After having indicated whether or not he/she benefits from a possible discount code, selected his/her method of payment, consulted the summary of his/her Order as well as the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, which he/she accepts by clicking where indicated, the Buyer validates his/her Order;
  5. a. any validation of the Order by the Buyer implies acceptance of the price and characteristics of the Products and Services selected, so that any dispute on these points will only arise in the context of the possible implementation of the guarantees set out below;
    b. any validation of the Order by the Buyer implies irrevocable acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions by the Buyer;
  6. 7.27 The Buyer pays for his Order and, within four (4) hours of payment, receives an e-mail from Quizz Room confirming or denying his Order; denial is an exceptional case.
  7. 7.28 The sale is considered final after:

    a. sending to the Buyer, by e-mail from Quizz Room, a confirmation of the Order;
    b. receipt of the full price or, where appropriate, a deposit by Quizz Room which retains the right to suspend or refuse the Order of the Buyer in the event that the debit has not been possible

    7.29 For any question relating to the monitoring of his Order, the Buyer should contact the Seller directly.


8.30 Upon validation of the Order by the Buyer, payment of the full price is due by the Buyer to Quizz Room.

8.31 The Purchaser must pay the price of the Services online using one of the following credit card options: Carte Bleue, e-carte bleue, Visa, Mastercard, American Express.

8.32 The transaction and collection of the proceeds of sales made via the Site are carried out via one or more third-party payment service providers, identified prior to payment by the Purchaser for his Products and Services, and it is the Purchaser's responsibility to consult the Service Provider's General Terms and Conditions of Use, prior to any transaction, via the URL link which appears on the Products and Services payment page.


  1. 9.33 The provision online by the Buyer, of his credit card number and the final validation of the order will be proof of the agreement of the Buyer on:
    a. the payability of the sums due under his Order;
    b. all operations that he has performed on the Site.

    9.34 However, in case of fraudulent use of his credit card, the Buyer is invited, upon the observation of such use to contact Customer Service Quizz Room.
  2. 9.35 In addition, the computerized registers, stored in the computer systems of Quizz Room and its partners in reasonable conditions of security, will be considered proof of communications, orders and payments between the parties. 
  3. 9.36 Purchase orders are archived on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as proof. 


  1. 10.37 Access to the Rooms reserved by the Buyer is subject to prior payment of the full price of the Services and Products.
  2. 10.38 Access to the Rooms is forbidden to Participants under fifteen (15) years of age, unaccompanied by at least one adult who may or may not be a Participant.
  3. 10.39 The late arrival of one or more Participants has no effect on the time and duration of the Rooms reserved: they cannot be shifted or extended beyond the limits set out in the Order and the Room must therefore be vacated at the time initially set; after a delay of fifteen minutes, the capacity of the Room's equipment and the duration of the game will necessarily be reduced.
  4. 10.40 The equipment and furniture located on Quizz Room's premises are made available to Participants and the Purchaser, subject to fair and delicate use, without the slightest deterioration or damage being inflicted upon them.
  5. 10.41 No alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage may be brought into the room.
  6. 10.42 Quizz Room reserves the right to refuse access to the Rooms in the event that at least one Participant is under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances or behaves in a threatening, aggressive or violent manner.


1. Except in the case where it is exclusively attributable to Quiz Room, cancellation of the Order is impossible and the absence of the Participants on the date and at the time when the Room is made available cannot give rise to a refund of the sums paid in return for the Order of Services.

2. The Buyer has the right to modify, free of charge, the date and time of the reservation up to seven days before the actual availability of the Room(s) by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the Order confirmation e-mail issued by Quizz Room; after the aforementioned period, no modification is possible.

3. The reduction of the number of Participants has no consequence on the initial amount of the Order and Quizz Room will not be able to return to the Buyer the sums he has initially paid.

4 The number of Participants may be increased at any time, subject to fulfillment of the payment obligation set out in article V-5-d and within the limit of :
  • 18 Participants in the case of a single room ;
  • 36 Participants if two rooms are available ;
Beyond the above limits, Quiz Room reserves the right to refuse access to the Rooms to certain Participants.

5. Cancellation of the Personalized Questions service is impossible and, except in the case of a breach directly and exclusively attributable to Quiz Room, failure by the Buyer to communicate the Personalized Questions shall not give rise to a refund of the sums paid in consideration of the purchase of this service.

11.43 Except in the case where it would be exclusively attributable to Quizz Room, the cancellation of the Order is impossible and the absence of Participants at the date and time of the availability of the Room can not give rise to refund of sums paid in return for the Order of Services.

11.44 The Purchaser has the option to change, free of charge, the date and time of the reservation up to five days before the actual availability of the Room(s) by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the e-mail confirmation of the Order issued by Quizz Room or by contacting Quizz Room directly by email or telephone; after the aforementioned period, no change is possible.

11.45 The reduction in the number of Participants has no effect on the initial amount of the Order, and Quizz Room will not be able to reimburse the Purchaser for the sums he/she has initially paid; on the other hand, it will be compensated by the granting of an Order form valid for 1 (one) year, the amount of which corresponds to the difference between the total price of the initial Order and the sum of the prices per Participant present; to be valid, the purchase order must be requested by the Buyer, before the expiry of a period of five (5) days from the date on which the Room is actually made available, at the following address:

11.46 The number of Participants may be increased at any time, subject to fulfillment of the payment obligation specified in article V-5-d and within the limit of :
  • 18 Participants in the case of a single room ;
  • 36 Participants if two rooms are available ;
  • 54 Participants when three rooms are available ;
  • 72 Participants when four rooms are available ;
Beyond the above-mentioned limits, Quizz Room reserves the right to refuse access to the Rooms to certain Participants.

11.47 Cancellation of the Personalized Questions service is impossible and, except in the case of a breach directly and exclusively attributable to Quizz Room, failure by the Buyer to communicate the Personalized Questions cannot give rise to a refund of the sums paid in return for the purchase of this service.


  1. 12.48 Delivery of Products means the transfer to the Buyer of physical possession or control of the good. It is initiated only after confirmation of payment by the banking institution of Quizz Room.
  2. 12.49 Immaterial Products, such as e-gift cards, are the subject of immaterial delivery to the Buyer upon confirmation by Quizz Room of the corresponding order, by means of electronic correspondence sent to the e-mail address provided by the Buyer or made available in his personal space on the Site in case of creation, at the initiative of the Buyer, of such a space.
  3. 12.50 Except in cases of unavailability set out below, other Products sold by Quizz Room are collected directly by the Buyer at the premises of Quizz Room whose address is in paragraph 1. above, the day of execution of the provision of one or more Rooms ordered by the Buyer.
  4. 12.51 In the event of unavailability of one or more Products ordered by a Buyer on the day of execution of the service of provision of one or more Rooms, the said Products are sent to the Buyer by post within a period which may not exceed 20 days and at the expense of Quizz Room if the address of the Buyer is located on the same territory as the Quizz Room premises. Failing shipment of the Products within the aforementioned period, the Buyer may freely notify Quiz Room, by registered mail with return receipt requested, of the termination of the contract and it will be considered terminated upon receipt by the seller of the letter or writing informing him of this termination, unless the professional has performed in the meantime. When the contract is terminated, Quizz Room is required to reimburse the Buyer for all sums paid, no later than 14 days after the date on which notification of termination of the contract was received by Quizz Room.
  5. 12.52 Products are delivered to the address indicated by the Purchaser and it is the Purchaser's responsibility to ensure that this address is correct. Any package returned to Quizz Room because of an incorrect or incomplete delivery address will be reshipped at the expense of the Purchaser. The Purchaser may, upon request, have an invoice sent to the billing address and not to the delivery address, by validating the option provided for this purpose on the order form.
  6. 12.53 If the Buyer is absent on the day of delivery, the deliveryman will leave a delivery notice in the letterbox, allowing the Buyer to collect the parcel at the place and within the time indicated.
  7. 12.54 If, at the time of delivery, the original packaging is damaged, torn or open, the Buyer must check the condition of the items. If they have been damaged, the Buyer must refuse the parcel and note a reservation on the delivery note (parcel refused because opened or damaged).

    12.55 The Buyer must indicate any anomaly concerning the delivery on the delivery note, in the form of handwritten reservations accompanied by his/her signature (damage, missing product compared to the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, etc.).

    12.56 This verification is considered to have been carried out once the Buyer, or a person authorized by him/her, has signed the delivery note.

    12..57 The Buyer must confirm his or her reservations to the carrier by registered mail within two (2) working days of receipt of the item(s) at the latest, and send a copy of this letter by fax or ordinary mail to the seller at the address indicated in the site's legal notice.
12.58 If the Products need to be returned to the seller due to a delivery error or non-conformity of the Products in kind or in quality compared to the indications on the order form, they must be the subject of a return request to the seller within 7 days of delivery. Any claim made outside this period will not be accepted. Returns will only be accepted for products in their original condition (packaging, accessories, instructions, etc.).

The claim may be made, at the Purchaser's option:

telephone number: ;
e-mail address : ;

If the claim is accepted by Quizz Room, the Buyer will have the option of requesting either an exchange of the Product or a refund.


  1. 13.59 The transfer of ownership and the related risks of loss and deterioration occurs as soon as the sale is final. Products travel at the Buyer's risk.


  1. 15.72 In the case of tangible movable goods, QUIZZ ROOM guarantees their conformity to the contract, allowing the Buyer to make a claim under the legal warranty of conformity (provided for in the current article L.217-4 of the French Consumer Code) or the warranty for defects in the item sold within the meaning of the provisions of article 1641 of the French Civil Code. 
  1. Appendix to Article D.211-2 of the French Consumer Code:
    "Consumers have a period of two years from the date of delivery of the goods to obtain the implementation of the legal warranty of conformity in the event of a defect in conformity. During this period, the consumer is only required to establish the existence of the defect in conformity and not the date of its appearance. During this period, the consumer is only required to establish the existence of the lack of conformity and not the date of its appearance.
    When the contract of sale of the good provides for the supply of digital content or a digital service on a continuous basis for a period of more than two years, the legal warranty applies to this digital content or digital service throughout the period of supply provided. During this period, the consumer is only required to establish the existence of the lack of conformity affecting the digital content or service, and not the date of its appearance.
    The legal warranty of conformity entails an obligation on the part of the trader, where applicable, to provide all updates necessary to maintain the conformity of the good.
    The legal warranty of conformity entitles the consumer to repair or replace the good within thirty days of his request, free of charge and without any major inconvenience for him.
    If the good is repaired under the legal warranty of conformity, the consumer benefits from a six-month extension of the initial warranty.
    If the consumer requests repair of the good, but the seller imposes replacement, the legal warranty of conformity is renewed for a period of two years from the date of replacement of the good.
    The consumer may obtain a reduction in the purchase price by keeping the good, or terminate the contract by obtaining a full refund against return of the good, if:
    1° The professional refuses to repair or replace the good;
    2° The repair or replacement of the good occurs after a period of thirty days;
    3° The repair or replacement of the good causes a major inconvenience for the consumer, in particular where the consumer definitively bears the costs of taking back or removing the non-conforming good, or if he bears the costs of installing the repaired or replacement good;
    4° The non-conformity of the good persists despite the seller's attempt to bring it into conformity remaining unsuccessful.
    The consumer is also entitled to a reduction in the price of the goods or to rescission of the contract where the lack of conformity is so serious as to justify immediate reduction in the price or rescission of the contract. In this case, the consumer is not obliged to request repair or replacement of the goods beforehand.
    The consumer does not have the right to have the sale rescinded if the lack of conformity is minor.
    Any period during which the goods are immobilized for repair or replacement suspends the warranty remaining until delivery of the repaired goods.
    The rights mentioned above result from the application of articles L. 217-1 to L. 217-32 of the French Consumer Code.
    " Any seller who obstructs the implementation of the legal warranty of conformity in bad faith is liable to a civil fine of up to 300,000 euros, which may be increased to 10% of average annual sales (Article L. 241-5 of the French Consumer Code).
    Consumers also benefit from the legal warranty against hidden defects under Articles 1641 to 1649 of the French Civil Code, for a period of two years from the discovery of the defect. This warranty entitles the consumer to a price reduction if the good is kept, or to a full refund in return for the return of the good."


  1. 15.62 However, Products must be returned in their original packaging, in perfect condition, within fifteen (15) days of notification to the seller of the purchaser's decision to withdraw.

    15.63 Returns must be made in their original condition and complete (packaging, accessories, instructions, etc.) to enable them to be marketed as new, accompanied by the purchase invoice.

    15.64 Damaged, soiled or incomplete products are not returnable.

    15.65 The right of withdrawal may be exercised online, using the withdrawal form available on the website published by Quizz Room and attached below. In this case, an acknowledgement of receipt on a durable medium will be immediately communicated to the Purchaser. Any other method of declaration of withdrawal is accepted. It must be unambiguous and express the wish to withdraw.

    15.66 If the right of withdrawal is exercised within the aforementioned period, the price of the product(s) purchased and the delivery charges will be reimbursed.

    15.67 The cost of returning the product(s) is borne by the Purchaser.

    15.68 The exchange (subject to availability) or refund will be made within fourteen (14) days of the Seller's receipt of the products returned by the Buyer under the conditions set out above.
    15.69 By way of exception and in accordance with the provisions of article L221-28-12° of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the provision of leisure activities which must be supplied on a specific date or at a specific time and, for the provision of Room reservations and availability, the Buyer therefore does not benefit from a right of withdrawal.


  1. 16.70 At the end of the provision of a Room and the use of the game offered by Quizz Room, the Participant declared the winner of the game benefits from an Order Form for a reservation of a Room for two (2) games and for a number of players identical to that of the session which gave rise to obtaining the said Order Form, valid until the expiry of a period of three months from the first day of the month following the month during which the Room was made available to the Purchaser.

    16.71 The purchase order is obtained by Quizz Room sending an e-mail specifically intended for this purpose or, failing this, by a request to obtain the purchase order sent by any means by the Participant declared the winner, before the expiry of a period of seven (7) days from the date the Room is actually made available.


17.72 Quiz Room and all managers of establishments operating Quiz Room Services reserve the right to offer you the opportunity to take part in a national tournament organized annually by Quiz Room, entitled the "Belgian Quiz Cup".

17.73 Participation in the said Tournament is free of charge and is offered to Participants provided that they have:

a. achieved one of the 12 best scores at a Quiz Room center on the occasion of previous consumption of Services; or
b. obtained a victory in one of the ad hoc Tournaments dedicated to this purpose, organized by Quiz Room VisualGoolfy.Be sprl or one of its Delegates.

17.74 The terms and conditions of the Tournament Rules are available here.

17.75 Under no circumstances may the consumption of Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein constitute or be perceived as constituting participation in said Tournament, nor a proposal to participate in said Tournament.


  1. 18.76 Quizz Room may only be held liable to the Purchaser or Participants for facts that are directly attributable to Quizz Room, provided that they cause them direct harm.

    18.77 Quizz Room may not be held liable in the event that the non-performance or improper performance of its obligations is attributable to:
    a. improper use of the Room and its features by the Purchaser or any Participant;
    b. a fault attributable to the Purchaser or any Participant;
    c. a case of force majeure, i.e. an unforeseeable and insurmountable act by a third party, and in particular: a general strike by public transport drivers, with more than 50% of the strike being attended by the professionals concerned, a technical failure of the game making it impossible for all Participants to use it, an administrative closure of the Quizz Room establishment;
    d. a technical failure of the game that does not make it impossible for all Participants to use it;
    e. inconveniences inherent in the use of the Internet - such as an interruption or breakdown in service, external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses.

    18.78 In the event that the availability of a Room and the use of the game by all Participants should prove impossible following a case of force majeure, Quizz Room undertakes to postpone, without charge, the execution of the Services ordered before the expiry of a period of three months from the date of initial availability; at the end of this period, in the event that the new performance dates proposed by Quizz Room are not acceptable to the Purchaser and subject to having received from the latter a request for postponement covering at least ten new dates within the aforementioned three-month period, Quizz Room will proceed with the reimbursement of the sums initially paid by the Purchaser.
    18.79 In the event that the Buyer has requested the Personalized Questions service:
    a. only the Buyer can be held responsible for the content of the Questions submitted to Quizz Room;
    b. the Buyer and the Participants exonerate Quizz Room from any liability in the event that these Questions cause harm of any kind to any Participant or third party;
    c. Quizz Room reserves the right not to distribute Questions whose content is manifestly illicit or would offend public decency and its decision can in no way justify a refund of sums paid by the Buyer in return for the Personalized Questions service.
    18.80 The Buyer undertakes to relieve and guarantee Quizz Room against any liability, any recourse and any claims relating to the Services ordered by the Buyer and whose non-performance would be attributable to the latter.
    18.81 The Buyer shall be responsible for the fair use of the leisure equipment by all Participants and shall guarantee Quizz Room against any damage or injury of any kind to property, equipment, materials and persons inflicted by any Participant during the performance of the Services; the Buyer may in no way oppose Quizz Room's lack of subordination or contractual relationship with a Participant to avoid the obligations placed upon it.
    18.82 In the event of damage inflicted by one or more Participants linked to the Purchaser's Order to property or equipment under the control of Quizz Room establishments, repairs will be assessed and notified to the Purchaser within sixty (60) days; the Purchaser will have a period of fifteen days from the notification issued by Quizz Room to pay the cost of repairs, without delay of recourse to insurance.


  1. 19.83 The content of the Site as well as the products and representations appearing on the premises of Quizz Room (technical documents, drawings, photographs, etc.) are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents.
  2. 19.84 The Buyer and Participants agree not to make any non-personal use of this content without the prior consent of Quizz Room.

    19.85 Any reproduction in whole or in part of this content, without the prior permission of Quizz Room, is strictly prohibited and is likely to constitute an infringement.

    19.86 The content of Personalized Questions remains the property of the Purchaser, who is deemed to be the author; Quizz Room undertakes to exercise only a right of distribution and strictly limited to the duration of the actual provision of the Room; within a reasonable period from the expiry of the duration of the provision of the Room, Quizz Room undertakes to delete the content of these Questions from its databases.


  1. 20.87 The nominative data provided by the Buyer is necessary for the processing of his/her order and the preparation of invoices. 
  2. 20.88 They are processed electronically. 
  3. 20.89 The Buyer has a permanent right of access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to information concerning him or her.

    20.90 The Buyer is invited to consult the Site's Personal Data Protection Charter for full information on this subject.

20.90 The Buyer is invited to consult the Site's Personal Data Protection Charter for full information on this subject here.


21.92 In accordance with articles of the Consumer Code L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq., it is provided that for any dispute of a contractual nature relating to the performance of the contract of sale and/or the provision of services that could not be resolved through a complaint to our customer service and in case of failure or in the absence of response from Quizz Room at the end of a period of two months, the Buyer may resort free of charge to mediation.

He/she should contact ANM CONSOMMATION either by post, by writing to 2 rue de Colmar 94300 Vincennes (in addition to his/her own contact details, he/she must also specify the telephone number and e-mail address of Quiz Room) or on the ANM CONSOMMATION website, by filling in the online referral form at the following address For further information, the Buyer may contact ANM CONSOMMATION by telephone on 01 58 64 00 05, Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm.

In addition, the Buyer is informed of the existence of an online platform for the settlement of commercial disputes, developed by the European Commission pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013 on the online settlement of Consumer Disputes (RLLC), with the aim of facilitating the out-of-court settlement of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from online sales or service contracts between a consumer resident in the European Union and a professional established in the European Union. This platform can be accessed at via the following link.


  1. 22.94 In the event of the disappearance of one of the clauses of the present General Terms and Conditions, notably as a result of the application of a law or regulation or following a final decision by a competent court, the other stipulations of the present General Terms and Conditions will retain all their force and scope.

    22.95 If a condition of sale were to be lacking, it would be considered to be governed by the practices in force in the distance selling sector whose companies have their headquarters in Belgium.


  1. 23.96 Any notice interrupting a time limit shall be assessed for this purpose at the time of dispatch.

    23.97 Any notice setting a time limit shall be assessed for this purpose at the time of receipt.


  1. 24.98 The General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law.

    24.99 The place of jurisdiction in the event of a dispute shall be the domicile of the defendant, or at the option of the plaintiff, the place of actual delivery of the Product.


Consumer Code

Article L. 217-4 of the French Consumer Code :

The good conforms to the contract if it meets the following criteria:
  1. It corresponds to the description, type, quantity and quality, in particular as regards functionality, compatibility, interoperability, or any other characteristic provided for in the contract;
  2. It is fit for any special purpose intended by the consumer, made known to the seller at the latest at the time of the conclusion of the contract and accepted by the latter;
  3. It is supplied with all accessories and installation instructions, which must be supplied in accordance with the contract;
  4. It is updated in accordance with the contract.

Article L. 217-5 of the French Consumer Code :

I. In addition to the criteria of conformity to the contract, the property is conform if it meets the following criteria:
  1. It is fit for the use normally expected of a good of the same type, taking into account, where appropriate, any provisions of European Union law and national law as well as any technical standards or, in the absence of such technical standards, specific codes of conduct applicable to the sector concerned;
  2. Where applicable, it possesses the qualities that the seller presented to the consumer in the form of a sample or model before the conclusion of the contract;
  3. If applicable, the digital elements it contains are provided according to the most recent version available at the time the contract is concluded, unless the parties agree otherwise;
  4. Where applicable, it is delivered with all accessories, including packaging, and installation instructions that the consumer may legitimately expect;
  5. Where applicable, it is supplied with updates that the consumer may legitimately expect, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 217-19 ;
  6. It corresponds to the quantity, quality and other characteristics, including durability, functionality, compatibility and safety, that the consumer can legitimately expect for goods of the same type, taking into account the nature of the good as well as public statements made by the seller, by any person upstream in the transaction chain, or by a person acting on their behalf, including in advertising or on labelling.
II. However, the seller is not bound by any public statements mentioned in the preceding paragraph if he demonstrates:
  1. That he didn't know them and wasn't legitimately in a position to know them;
  2. That, at the time the contract was concluded, the public statements had been corrected under conditions comparable to the initial statements; or
  3. That the public statements had no influence on the purchase decision.
III. The consumer may not contest conformity by invoking a defect concerning one or more particular characteristics of the good, which he was specifically informed deviated from the conformity criteria set out in this article, a deviation to which he expressly and separately consented when the contract was concluded.

Article L. 217-12 of the French Consumer Code :

The seller may not proceed according to the choice made by the consumer if the requested compliance is impossible or would entail disproportionate costs, particularly with regard to :
  1. The value that the good would have had in the absence of lack of conformity;
  2. The extent of the lack of conformity; and
  3. The possibility of opting for the other choice without any major inconvenience for the consumer.
The seller may refuse to bring the goods into conformity if this is impossible or would entail disproportionate costs, particularly with regard to 1° and 2°. If these conditions are not respected, the consumer may, after formal notice, pursue the forced execution in kind of the solution initially requested, in accordance with articles 1221 et seq. of the French Civil Code. Any refusal by the seller to proceed according to the consumer's choice, or to bring the goods into conformity, shall be justified in writing or on a durable medium.

Article L. 217-16 of the French Consumer Code :

In the cases provided for in article L. 217-14, the consumer informs the seller of his decision to cancel the contract. The consumer returns the goods to the seller at the latter's expense. The seller reimburses the consumer for the price paid and returns any other benefits received under the contract.

If the lack of conformity relates only to certain goods delivered under the contract of sale, the consumer has the right to rescind the contract in respect of all the goods, even those not covered by this chapter, if he cannot reasonably be expected to agree to keep only the conforming goods.
For contracts mentioned in II of article L. 217-1, providing for the sale of goods and, on an ancillary basis, the supply of services not covered by this chapter, the consumer has the right to rescind the entire contract. Furthermore, in the case of a bundled offer within the meaning of article L. 224-42-2, the consumer has the right to rescind all related contracts.
The respective obligations of the parties to the contract, mentioned in article L. 224-25-22 and relating to the consequences of rescission for digital content and digital services, are applicable to the rescission of a contract for the sale of goods containing digital elements.

Article 1641 of the French Civil Code:

The seller is liable for any hidden defects in the item sold which render it unfit for its intended use, or which impair that use to such an extent that the buyer would not have purchased it, or would have paid a lower price for it, had he been aware of them.

Article 1648 of the French Civil Code:

Any action arising from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years of discovery of the defect. In the case provided for in article 1642-1, the action must be brought, on pain of foreclosure, within one year of the date on which the seller can be discharged of the apparent defects or lack of conformity.


Appendix - Right of withdrawal
For the Purchase of products or services not excluded from the scope of the right of withdrawal, you have the right to withdraw without reason within 14 days from the day on which you or a third party other than the carrier, takes physical possession of the goods ordered.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us of your decision to withdraw from the product purchase contract by means of an unambiguous statement (e.g. letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).

You can also use the model withdrawal form shown below and available on our website, but this is not compulsory.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal must be notified to : VisualGoolfy.Be sprl
Postal address: 353 Rue de Mons - 7011 Mons
E-mail address:

In order for the withdrawal period to be respected, it is sufficient for you to send your communication relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, we will reimburse all payments received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from the fact that you may have chosen a delivery method other than the less expensive standard delivery method offered by us), without undue delay and, in any event, no later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed of your decision to exercise your right of withdrawal.

We will make the refund using the same means of payment you used for the original transaction, unless you expressly agree to a different method; in any event, this refund will not incur any costs for you.

We may defer reimbursement until we have received the goods or until you have provided proof of shipment of the goods, whichever comes first.

You must return the goods to us at our address without undue delay and, in any event, no later than 14 days after you have informed us of your decision to withdraw from this contract. This period is deemed to have been respected if you return the goods before the 14-day period has expired.

You must bear the direct cost of returning the goods.


Withdrawal Form

To the attention of , and .

I, Mr/Mrs _________________

Residing at : ______________________________

Hereby notify my withdrawal from the contract resulting from the order :

Number: ________________________
Dated : ______________________________
Received on : _________________________________

Consumer's signature

Dated at __________________


Withdrawal Form

To the attention of Quizz Room, and .

I, the undersigned _________________

Residing at : ______________________________

Hereby notify my withdrawal from the contract resulting from the order :

Number: ________________________
Dated : ______________________________
Received on : _________________________________

Consumer's signature

Dated at __________________



General terms and conditions

The website is published by the company Quizz Room SAS
S.A.S with a capital of 1,503 euros
Registered office: 9, rue Guénégaud, 75006 Paris
RCS Paris 841 563 042
Intra-community VAT number FR 07 841563042
SIRET number: 84156304200024
APE Code: 9329Z (Other Recreational and Leisure Activities)
Email address:
The director of the publication is Tristan Quélin, President of Quizz Room SAS

The site is hosted by OVH
2 Kellerman Street
59100 Roubaix
RCS Lille MĂ©tropole 424 761 419 00045
SAS with a capital of €10,069,020